911 Baltimore Avenue
A young black boy
on his mini BMX
waves at me
As I close my car door.
Aiming to impress,
the boy pedals fast
into shadows
on the sidewalk.
He pulls up on
the handlebars--
the front wheel clipping the lip
of a crack
in the neighbor’s sidewalk
by a Sugar Maple root
sixty-some years ago.
He pulls up harder
the back wheel
clips the lip of the crack, too
launching him airborne
into the wake of his inward eye
off the coping of a fifteen-foot halfpipe,
throwing him
into the evening sky,
suspended in grand allégro
and worlds
further abroad.
Collectively both tires
clear to the other side
of the cracked sidewalk.
I smile as the boy continues
pedaling down the block
out of sight,
as if he were exiting stage left.
by Johnny M. Tucker, Jr
"911 Baltimore Avenue" was a finalist in the University of Delaware's
1st UD Department of English: Random Acts of Poetry in 2014.
Also published March 4, 2015 (modified) in -- The City Key Click Here
I continue to revise it as years pass.